De Alberto Caieiro, "em Pessoa":

"Pensar incomoda como andar na chuva
Quando o vento cresce e parece que chove mais"



Estas não tem revisão, ponderação, correção... São de hoje.

1: Tem a ver com o que eu faço. Como se comportam outras pessoas que fazem o que faço, onde eu faço...

Is this true?
What is a rageous speech
in honor of benefits
against the own behavior?

We don´t like you
but love and want your hold
we believe that you don´t know what to do
but we´ve been interested in
work for you, work to you
work in your name.

So, let us march and brade
within you pay us for this.

But if I kept you
what I really want?

2: Quase o mesmo... Mais individual.

Mother of a single soul,
thinking graveyard
absence of sense
exception of excellence.

All regular.
Times gone change
a changing.

I have allways to forgot
once again we´re done.

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